10 Ways To Win Your Man's Heart

Men were born with superior physical strength over women. They are prideful, playful and stubborn human beings. Whereas women are emotional, opinionated and soft hearted creatures. Since they are entirely different individuals with unique traits, there is a need to have a give and take relationship in order for them to understand each other and make the relationship smooth sailing.
Most women unconsciously forget their right composure when they are overwhelmed with emotions. In this manner, they drive their men crazy and push them away instead of bringing them closer. When men are not happy anymore in the relationship, they will never stay in the relationship for any reason whether valid or not.
Here is a fact about men:  they don’t run out of sperm! No matter how old a man is, he can still look for a partner if only he puts his mind to it. However, with women it is just not equally as fast. Women reach their menopause. Their supply of eggs run out and they run dry!
But no worries, with the power of love, which they say can move mountains, some relationships last and it is the main reason why “til death do us part” is very real and achievable. If you want to win your man’s heart and make it to the very end of the aisle, here are helpful ways to win his heart:
1.       Be confident with your own self. Stay beautiful.
2.       Make him laugh. Maintain your sense of humor.
3.       Socialize with his family, friends and co-workers especially when he brings you to a gathering.
4.       Ask him how his day went and if he is okay. Listening to him makes him feel so much cared.
5.       Control your mouth for every argument that the two of you have. Speak when it is your turn. Men never want a nagging girlfriend or wife.
6.       Cook him his favorite food.
7.       Appreciate him and all his accomplishments.
8.       Let him watch his favorite TV show.
9.       Give him space and time to spend with his friends and his favorite activity.
10.   Be affectionate and a little naughty in bed. But, be aware that too much affection could  lead to suffocation, so maintain the normal range.


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