APGAR Scoring for Newborn

O Points
1 Point
2 Points

Appearance (Skin color)

Pallor or cyanosis

Body skin normal, extremities blue

Body and extremity skin color normal
Pulse (Heart rate)
Less than 100 bpm
More than 100 bpm
Grimace (Reflex irritability
No response
Minimal response to suction or to gentle slap on soles
Responds promptly with a cry or active movement
Activity (Muscle tone)
Flaccid, limp
Minimal flexion of extremities
Good flexion, active motion
Respiratory Rate
Slow, irregular, weak cry
Good, vigorous cry

Score                     Intervention
8-10                      No intervention is required except to support the infant’s spontaneous efforts
4-7                         Gently stimulate. Rub infant’s back
0-3                         Infant requires resuscitation


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