ZARA: Up Close and Personal
Quality time by being able to share laughs they may be; a walk in the park, watching movies, playing scrabble create lasting memories. I need not spend money to create precious moments.
When I’m in a relationship I give my best even when there’s
nothing left for me to give. Fighting is a waste of time and I value my peace
of mind. I won't trade my inner peace for wealth. To be able to sleep sound at night
is something that money cannot buy. I always admire people who can sleep soundly even when things are not going well. Sleepless nights are obstacles towards wellness.
There are so many things to say when I am angry but I rather
hold my lips, though there comes a point that I burst if I had enough and I
needed to let the pain out. I would say what I feel but sometimes I would also say
mean words just to hurt the person’s feelings even when I don’t mean them.
Music plays a big part in my life. It reminds me of my past experiences. To name a few of the songs that touched my heart; It
might be you-on my first love, You raised me up- when my dad passed away, Do you
dream of me-I was in Dubai and I left my heart in the US. Michael Smith’s
songs-conquering my depression in Dubai.
To have someone worry about me is non-existing
in my vocabulary that's why I am mistaken sometimes as secretive. I'd rather hide my
feelings and cry so hard when I’m alone. Some of the closest people to me doubt
me because they don’t really know me. They may be close yet too far.
I have a passion for cooking something that I got from my dad.
I can express my love in the dish that I make.
I love to watch Asian dramas with English subtitles. They are the best adaptation of a pocketbook story. People who doesn't have a fairy tale love story, can live the dream by watching romantic movies that can make them feel good.
I am persistent that I smother living things even animals. My
sense of touch annoys someone who values his space. I can be very warm but I can
also be very cold to someone who caused me agony. If you can’t be with me during
my difficult time, you can’t be with me in my success. It takes a while to make
me numb by someone when patience run out I don't look back. I thank that person for the experience.
Humility is very important to me. It is okay to get the
impression that you are dumb. Don’t brag but reveal yourself slowly when people
ask you questions. That way they will respect you more.
I have a huge crush on Anderson Cooper. He is extremely handsome,
and I admire his honesty.
I can easily shift my mood from sadness to happiness. Just throw
me a funny joke and I’ll easily laugh.
There are three things that I can't live without, my sonicare toothbrush, dental floss, and lipstick. In the past my answer would be a mobile phone. I've been living without it for the last 3 years and I'm perfectly fine.
There are three things that I can't live without, my sonicare toothbrush, dental floss, and lipstick. In the past my answer would be a mobile phone. I've been living without it for the last 3 years and I'm perfectly fine.
I’m a fan of Britney Spears and Taylor Swift.
Some people feel socially awkward when they are alone
outside but I’m okay with it. I can eat in a restaurant by myself.
I like to post something on Facebook but I hate to pile up my
friends news feed with my face beside my posts as if I'm seeking attention which by the way just sharing some thoughts and silly stuffs.
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