Black Forest Cake

Black Forest Cake has always been my favorite cake when I was a young college student. I used to look at them at the window store hoping to bring one everytime I went home, but it was one of those cakes that was a bit pricey compared to other cakes so I would end up bringing home Ube roll instead. Hahaha

With mallows in the middle
The chocolate flavor, the cherries on top, and the design itself speaks for itself that it is indeed scrumptious. I always thought it was hard to make it but when I made it the first time I was so proud of myself. I said to myself that wasn’t too hard at all.

As I practice my baking skills more and more lately, the secrets to baking are revealing  themselves to me slowly. First of all, you have to invest first in baking accessories. It’s a bit of a pain at first but they are worth of it. Once you have your basic materials such as pans, mixer, spatula etc, you are ready to collect your basic ingredients.

Whenever my husband and I go to the grocery store I make sure that I grab at least one of any baking ingredients like sugar, flour, baking powder etc. I may not have a plan on what to make with them but when you see them all in your  pantry, ideas just pop up in your head on what to make depending on your cravings. As for me, it all depends on what I see on TV or the internet. I am a very visual person.


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