May 10, 2019

It was a lovely day. I got off at work at 8AM, came home and took shower, had a quick nap, put on my nice red dress then off to downtown Las Vegas.

Though I'm tired from working 12 hour shift, but I wouldn't miss the most important occasion of my life. I offer this day to my family, my parents for raising me to be strong and most importantly to my brother Alfonso for bringing me in this wonderful country.

Coming here, was amazing. I got to spend the most memorable time with my brother as travelers exploring two cities. However, saying goodbye was always the hard part. I asked him to trust me with my decision of staying and he did.

No job and no money for several years, I'll tell you how it feels. I endured time without assurance whether to stay or leaving the country that I always dreamed of. I had to go through a very long process and tedious paperwork just to stay here. In the end it was all worth it.

The moment finally arrived, I'm emotional. Tears were rolling down my eyes. I just couldn't believe it. I wish my brother was there physically and witnessed me swore but I know he did and always will be. He is watching from up above. I'm so thankful to him and ultimately to God for giving me so much patience to endure hardship.


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