Easy Puto Recipe


1 can or 354 mL evaporated milk
2 ½ cups flour
2 eggs
1/3 cup melted butter
11/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp vanilla or buko pandan
½ tsp salt
1 cup sugar


1.       Mix dry ingredients.
2.       Mix wet ingredients.
3.       Combine dry and wet ingredients until no lumps.
4.       Pour mixture into the greased muffin holder until 2/3 full.
5.       If you don’t have a steamer. Use a wok or large pot that can fit the muffin holder. Fill with just enough water. Wrap the pot cover with a cloth to avoid the moisture from dripping back into the muffins.
6.      Top putos with cheese (Optional). Use a toothpick to check if the muffins are cooked approximately after 10 minutes.


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